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Brando’s USB Mouse doubles as a weighing scale for every object you own less than 500 grams 0

Robo tech | 4:56 AM |

So, that  back alley dealer just sold you a skull keychain with fiery red eyes. He assured you it weighs no less or no more than 25 grams, but how can you be sure he’s not lying? Fortunately, Brando have come out with a USB mouse that has a built in weighing scales. We’re not entirely sure if this will be used much, but it certainly is a nice feature to have. All you have to do is lift up the cover, calibrate the reader and weigh away. Pens, phones, maybe even a few small animals — the list of weighable items is pretty much endless, as long as it weighs no more than half a kilo (500 grams). If you want to pick yours up, hit up the source link, where you can get your hands on one for $22.

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