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Vacbin : Vacuum Cleaner Within The Trash Bin 0

Robo tech | 5:12 AM |

Vacbin is a vacuum cleaner within the trash bin. This design is based on the idea of invisible essentialobjects. Vacuum cleaner is one of many household objects that we’d rather hide in places like storeroom. However there are times when we need to use it and hope it would be easier to get it out. Vacbin hides thevacuum cleaner within the trash bin, an object that is out in the open. It makes the vacuum cleaner invisible when not in use, yet easily released when needed. Clever design, isn’t it? Place the vacuum back in its place when you’re done, it will automatically empty itself into the bin.
Designer : Joce Sieys
Vacbin Vacuum Cleaner with Trash Bin
Vacbin Vacuum Cleaner with Trash Bin

Vacbin Vacuum Cleaner with Trash Bin
Vacbin Vacuum Cleaner with Trash Bin
Vacbin Vacuum Cleaner with Trash Bin
Vacbin Vacuum Cleaner with Trash Bin

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